

Decades is an electronic jazz fusion double album by Mashine Music. The files are in MP3 format and delivered in two zipped downloadable files, one for each album disc.

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Decades is a double album with music that spans over 40 years of David Mash’s career, all recorded in 2009-2010 and released in 2011.

The Decades project started when Greg Badolato asked me to come on a Berklee Audition and Interview trip to the Middle East, to do auditions, clinics, and concerts in Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. Then he asked me to join in for a similar trip to Kobe and Tokyo, Japan. I thought it would be fun to take a few of my older compositions and realize them afresh with new technology, and arrange them for a trio performance: Greg on Tenor sax, me on guitar and synthesizers, and a MacBook Pro for interactive backing tracks. The concerts were unexpectedly well-received, so we decided to record. The next thing I knew it had turned into an 18 month-long project culminating in the two disc set entitled “Decades.”

Decades features Greg Badolato on tenor sax, and David Mash performing all other instrumental parts. David plays guitar and keyboards, and used Logic Studio and a variety of software instruments running on a Macintosh computer to produce this recording. David plays Godin guitars.


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