Although I have publicly released 7 albums under the name Mashine Music, and 5 more as Stefan, this is the first release under my own name, David Mash. All of the pieces on this album fall somewhere between the two musical personas I have developed over the last few years, but the title describes them all well: each piece is built with layers of colors and textures that set a specific mood. These are far less complex jazz fusion compositions than my Mashine Music albums, and too beat oriented to fit into the meditative minimalist style of Stefan. Instead they fall squarely into my category of unpopular music, rooted in sonic exploration, rock guitar, classical guitar, and synthesizer use. Stefan is certainly the producer of this album, and Mashine Music is clearly the band, but this music is out and out David Mash. The album cover is a painting done by my good friend Ken Lemoine, entitled “Random Dreaming.” When I was trying to decide what to call this album, I looked at this painting and it was clear, the music and this painting are about colors, textures, and moods. Enjoy!
– David Stefan Mash, March 2023
Colors, Textures, Moods
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